Welcome to the coaching page
Bedford & County AC have exclusive use of the Track & Field facilities and Bedford International Athletics Stadium on Tuesday and Thursday evenings throughout the year.
The facility and coaching is available to all club members provided they have paid the stadium fee and club membership fee. These fees are renewable on the 1st April each year.
The club is very lucky in having so many good coaches across so many events. If you are interested in becoming a coach, please
Coaching takes place on:
Club nights, Tuesday and Thursday 18:15 to 20:00 for older groups.
Some groups also train on Monday, Wednesday 18:15 to 20:00 and Sunday 10:30 to 12:30.
We have special coaching arrangements for younger athletes and details are provided under the Beagles tab above.
Our Coaches
For details of coaching qualifications see the coach education section below.
Name | Qualifications | |
Allen | Adamson | 100m/200m/Relay (4) | Assistant Coach (1) | Hurdles (3) | Speed (2) | Sprints (3) |
James | Black | Leadership in Running Fitness (Leader) |
Caitlin | Blackwell | Athletics Coach Jumps (Athletics Coach) | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) |
Martyn | Blackwell | Assistant Coach (1) | Athletics Coach (Athletics Coach) | Athletics Coach Throws Plus (Athletics Coach) | Discus (Athletics Coach) | Endurance (2) | Hammer (Athletics Coach) | Leadership in Running Fitness (Leader) |
Tina | Blackwell | Athletics Coach Jumps (Athletics Coach) | Childrens Coach (Athletics Coach) | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) |
Michael | Blunt | Athletics Coach Endurance (Athletics Coach) | Athletics Coach Wheelchair Racing (Athletics Coach) | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) | Event Group Endurance (Event Group) | Wheelchair Racing (Athletics Coach) |
Penny | Butcher | Assistant Coach (1) | Endurance (2) | Jumps (2) | Middle Distance (3) | Speed (2) |
James | Danobrega | Athletics Coach Endurance (Athletics Coach) | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) |
Jemma | Eastwood | Assistant Coach (1) | Athletics Coach (Athletics Coach) | Athletics Coach Jumps Plus (Athletics Coach) | Children In Athletics (Leader) | Event Group Jumps (Event Group) | Event Group Jumps (Event Group) | Pole Vault (Athletics Coach) | Triple Jump (Athletics Coach) |
Simon | Eastwood | Assistant Coach (1) | Jumps (2) | Pole Vault (3) |
Craig | Emmerson | Athletics Coach (Athletics Coach) | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) |
Felicity | Harper | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) |
Simon | Harper | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) |
Barry | Johnson | Assistant Coach (1) | Jumps (2) |
Dennis | Johnson | Assistant Coach (1) | Combined Events (3) | Decathlon (4) | Endurance (2) | Heptathlon (4) | High Jump (4) | Jumps (2) | Middle Distance (3) | Speed (2) | Throws (2) |
Steven | Janes | Athletics Coach (Middle Distance) |
Zoe | Luscombe | Assistant Coach (1) | Endurance (2) |
Philip | ODell | Assistant Coach (1) | Endurance (2) |
Gavin | Reynolds | Leadership in Running Fitness (Leader) |
Ian | Roberts | Assistant Coach (1) | BAF Strength and Conditioning (3) | Endurance (2) | Jumps (2) | Long Jump (3) | Speed (2) | Throws (2) | Triple Jump (4) |
Robert | Thompson | Leadership in Running Fitness (Leader) |
Hayley | Vinnicombe | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) |
Laurence | Wallis | Coaching Assistant (Coaching Assistance) |
Alan | Watts | Assistant Coach (1) | Speed (2) | Sprints (3) |
Ewan | Wilson | Coach in Running Fitness (Athletics Coach) | Leadership in Running Fitness (Leader) |
Coach Education
England Athletics run coaching awards at all levels, they are:
Leading in Running Fitness (LiRF) - This is a one day course which enables coaches to lead an adult running session.
Athletics Leader (Leader) - a one day course with no assessment. This is for parents and young people (16+) who would like to help out at the club.
Coaching Assistant (Assistant) - a two day course, no assessment. This is for adults who wish to lead a group under the supervision of an Athletics Coach. and is the first step to becoming a coach.
Athletics Coach (Coach) - a four day course with assessment which enables coaches to lead a group of any age.
Event Group (Performance) - specialisation in individual events or event groups
Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF) - a follow on from Assistant Coach targeted at running coaches
For more details see the England Athletics website coaching courses can be found by clicking on the course you are interested and following the booking links.
Coaching courses can be fully funded from various sources including the club but the would be coach should be prepared to pay for the course up front and then reclaim the money after they have been on the course and shown they are committed to coaching.
Renewal of DBS Certificates
You can now renew your DBS certificate on line.The England Athletics website shows the process.