We have just received our allocation of guaranteed places in the London Marathon. Bedford and County have been given 2 places this year, which is excellent as it’s only been one for the last five years or so.
If you are a member of Bedford and County AC and would like one of the two places, please apply as soon as possible, and no later than 16th December.
To apply, contact Tony Forrest:
- Text or WhatsApp: 07769 707651,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Preference will be given to members who have already applied unsuccessfully to the London Marathon ballot, but others can also apply, and will be considered if fewer than 2 applicants satisfy the above criteria. The places will be allocated at the Christmas Handicap on 17th December. If there are more names than places then a ballot will be held at the Handicap.